Press Room

Welcome to the Press Room for the i4C (International Cool Climate Chardonnay Celebration). Here you will find the story of the i4C and participating wineries and some image downloads. If you require additional information or would like to arrange an interview, please contact us at

The i4C Alumni List includes the i4C 2020 wineries  that were confirmed to participate prior to the event being postponed to 2021.

i4C 2024 Backgrounder

i4C Alumni List_2011_2024


Trisha Molokach
Event Director


i4C Media Request Form

For media requests to attend the i4C, please fill out the Media Request Form.


What's So Cool About Cool-Climate Chardonnay? – Lindsay Schwenker, Wines in Niagara

i4C 2018: Putting the “Cool” into “Cool-Climate Chardonnay” – The Sparkling Winos,

A Weekend of Chardonnay in Niagara: The i4C 2018 Edition – Jamie Goode, Wine Anorak

Niagara Raises a Glass to Cool Chardonnay – Tiffany Mayer, The Hamilton Spectator

Vintners Celebrate Cool School in Niagara – Christopher Waters, London Free Press

Jamie Goode Reports on the School of Cool  – Jamie Goode

Eight White Wines That Pass the Cool Test – Beppi Crosariol, The Globe and Mail

A Sparkling Recap of #i4C17 – The Sparkling Winos,

From Altitude to Attitude: 3 Reasons to Love Cool Chardonnay – Natalie McLean,

Celebrating The Summer Of Chardonnay – Tiffany Leigh, Huffington Post

The ABCs of Today's Chardonnays – Rod Phillips, The Ottawa Citizen 

Chardonnay: A Short History of the Once Hated Grape – Bill Zackarkiw, Montreal Gazette

Family Style Feast – Canada AM

Massive Brand Chardonnays Still Deliver Balance and Refreshment – Toronto Sun

Unwined: Chardonnay – Not Just Your Momma's Wine – Andre Proulx, The Torontoist

This Chardonnay Festival Has Become a Premier Wine Event in Niagara – Heather Wall, The Huffington Post

How I Found My Chardonnay – Tiffany Leigh, The Huffington Post

Niagara, Péninsule Gastronomique à Découvrir et Redécouvrir – Natalie Richard, The Huffington Post Quebec


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The industry sessions at the School of Cool and the al fresco dinner at the Cool Chardonnay World Tour are some of the highlights of the i4C.

Over 150 wines from around the world are poured at the i4C. They are complemented by delectable dishes by Niagara's top chefs using fresh ingredients from the region.

The i4C features unique decor that people love to take that perfect shot with.{“type”:”block”,”srcIndex”:1,”srcClientId”:”e3fbf0a1-08bc-48e3-ab90-fe702bff895c”,”srcRootClientId”:””}