
Donation to support future Ontario Winemakers.

Help Ontario’s Next Generation of Winemakers Take Flight! Interested In Supporting The Future of Cool Climate Wines In Ontario? Join Us In Growing The International Cool Climate Chardonnay Association Bursary. Add a $5, $10 or $20 donation to your i4C ticket purchase and support our all-new i4C bursary program. All funds raised will go directly toward helping a current student or recent graduate of Niagara College’s Winery and Viticulture Technician program cover travel and living expenses associated with a hands-on vineyard and/or winery experience in another country. Help us show tomorrow’s winemakers how excited we are about their talent and the incredible potential of the cool climate wine community. Just click on the amount you wish to donate when you purchase your tickets and opt-in if you’d like your name featured on our i4C Boosters page.

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